About Taylor Ophthalmology Practice

The practice has been running since 2012, and we pride ourselves on running a friendly, efficient and professional service. We have a particular interest in offering the latest treatments to patients so that we can obtain the best possible outcomes.

We manage most aspects of ophthalmology, but have a special emphasis on uveitis, retinal disease, cataract surgery and the medical and surgical management of glaucoma.

Clinic appointments

Professor Taylor consults privately in Guildford, and is registered with all major insurance companies. Patients are seen at the Nuffield Health Guildford Hospital and appointments are available at the following times (other times may be available on request):

  • Tuesday mornings (alternate weeks)
  • Wednesday mornings
  • Friday afternoons and evenings

Some appointment slots on Tuesday and Friday evenings are kept open for emergencies, so last-minute appointments may be available.

Appointments can be booked via Professor Taylor's secretary, Mrs Anne Strudwick, on 01483 533118 or by email at: anne@simontaylor.info. Referrals can also be faxed on 01483 555888.


Surgery is generally undertaken at the Guildford Nuffield Hospital, although the facilities of the Royal Surrey County Hospital are used occasionally. If anaesthetic services are required (i.e. intravenous sedation or general anaesthesia), these are provided by Consultant Anaesthetists experienced in ophthalmic anaesthesia who also hold contracts at the Royal Surrey County Hospital.

Practice Secretary

Professor Taylor's secretary has been Mrs Anne Strudwick since the practice began in 2012. Anne has been a medical secretary at the Guildford Nuffield Hospital since 1999 and previously worked in a general surgery practice.

Anne's office is on the ground floor of the Nuffield, adjacent to the ophthalmology consulting rooms.

Costs of Treatment

Professor Taylor is registered with all major insurance companies (a list of provider registration numbers is available here.) and insurance companies are generally billed directly by Professor Taylor's secretary. Professor Taylor is fee-assured for BUPA and AXA PPP and charges within all insurance fee schedules.

Self-pay treatment

Self-pay treatment is also available, and is often available on a fixed-price package basis, e.g. for cataract surgery or intravitreal injections. Further information is available from Professor Taylor's secretary or from the Guildford Nuffield Hospital directly.

Self-pay appointments are charged at £225 for a new appointment and £100 for a follow-up appointment. This includes the cost of the consultation and associated diagnostic tests including visual field testing, corneal pachymetry, biometry, ultrasound scanning or optical coherence tomography (OCT) scanning. This is in contrast to many private practice settings in which these tests incur an extra charge, especially for OCT scans and visual fields which can be charged at up to £145 for OCT and £85 for Visual fields. In line with the CMA, details of any charges will be provided to you in writing prior to your appointment.

Further diagnostic investigations may be recommended, including fluorescein angiography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or blood tests. In line with the requirements of the CMA, the costs of any recommended treatments or diagnostic tests will be discussed with you before they are arranged.

NHS Patients and second opinions

Patients who have previously been seen on the NHS or who would like a one-off consultation or second opinion are also welcome, and NHS notes from the Royal Surrey County Hospital can usually be obtained in advance of an appointment.

Patients who wish to continue their treatment on the NHS will be transferred back (with their GP's permission), and Professor Taylor is very happy to facilitate this together with a copy of their clinical records.